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Actitudes® MeetUp: November 17, 2025

Actitudes® MeetUps are interactive sessions for sharing best practices around sustainable teams. These one-hour sessions take place per zoom and are open to all.

Intentions of Actitudes® MeetUps:

  • Share what's happening in the "sustainable teams" community.
  • Create links between peersexchange ideas with people who share similar challenges and benefit from cross-fertilization.
  • Decompartmentalize and enable sharing between different professional fields.
  • Generate new leads to improve your teams' performance.

On the program:

Our guest of the day will share a case study of how 18 drivers for sustainable teams has been applied in his or her organization. This presentation lasts around 15 minutes, and will be followed by questions and answers, and exchanges within the group and with the speaker.

Our guest will be announced shortly

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November 17, 2025
11:30 - 12:30
Animated In

Let's talk

Leave us your contact details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.