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Agile strategy in a VICA world

How often do you re-adjust your strategy? Does it factor-in the latest changes in your environment, or do you sometimes feel that you are relying on a set of outdated assumptions? In a context that changes so often and so deeply, nobody believes in long-term strategies anymore. Failing to manage your strategy in real-time can have a strong negative impact on your business. What does it mean? Simply that your strategy's pertinence must be reviewed more often. "Strategy Health-Check" uses the Gerositus® leadership model to help you understand where you stand, adjust, and prioritize in real-time.
Designed for

Key points addressed

The Strategy Health-Check workshop is designed as a deep-dive into your purpose and your strategy. It will help you diagnose where you stand in terms of the coherence of your vision, mission, key performance indicators, strategy and the current context. In particular, you will

  • Identify your priorities, key risks, possible disruptions and opportunities
  • Learn how to monitor the evolution of your business context, and how to react
  • Build on your strengths
Marco Mancesti
Your facilitator

Marco Mancesti

Marco advises leaders on their strategic roadmap, critical decision-making, stakeholder and risk management, and building high-performance teams in disruptive environments. He has held a number of executive positions in companies, and headed the Research and Development Center at IMD Business School for over 10 years. Marco regularly publishes articles in the fields of strategy and leadership. Two of his articles, "The Disruption-Fit Leader" and "Is VUCA the End of Strategy and Leadership" are ranked among the top articles in Google searches in their category. In recent years, Marco has developed a strategic management model for leaders called Gerositus® which combines methodology with digital tools specific to strategic operational management.

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