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Insights® Team dynamics and interpersonal effectiveness

What inter-personal dynamics characterize effective teams? Team performance depends directly on the quality of interactions within the group. This workshop will give you a better understanding of the value of diverse profiles within a group, and how each personality type can contribute to collective success.
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Key points addressed

Based on Insights®this workshop enables teams to better understand and respect the diversity of individual profiles within a group, and to positively value the contributions of each person. The following points are the basis for increased efficiency and productivity:

  • develop a common language to strengthen team spirit with a simple, effective model
  • help team members recognize and value each other's contributions
  • discover how to involve, motivate and value every member of your team
  • create a reassuring environment for expressing and resolving emerging conflicts within the group

This workshop is based on the analysis of individual Insights profiles® Discovery profiles and their influence on the "team wheel". Team members establish a communication charter that forms the basis for healthy and effective long-term relationships.

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Frederic Meuwly
Your facilitator

Frédéric Meuwly

Frédéric is passionate about developing sustainable teams and organizations, which led him to found Actitudes™ in 2010. As a consultant and speaker, he works with leaders and their teams to drive the changes needed to implement responsible leadership and a sustainable organizational culture. Frédéric recently published his vision of team and organizational development in a book entitled "Sustainable teams: 18 drivers for high-performance teamwork" .

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