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Resource Material Actitudes™

The use of sustainable teams cards is possible for you because you have already attended one or more sustainable teams workshops, so you are an explorer of sustainable teams! You already have a deck of cards in your hands and/or you can (re)order them via our shop. As a Sustainable Team Explorer, you are empowered to use these maps and ideas with your direct team. 

How do I use Sustainable Team Cards with my team?

Identify and express the things that are going well and those that are not so well
Enable the expression of needs, structured and supported by maps
Making observations
Prioritize dimensions
Generate ideas
Structure and stimulate reflection and exchange: in teams, in pairs and with yourself
Structure and fuel your appraisal interviews, with your manager and with your colleagues
Support for thematic working groups
Use them as boxes of ideas and concrete possibilities
Analyze a project through the prism of 18 drivers
Manage a project roll-out and/or carry out a project retrospective using the 18 drivers

If you'd like to use 18 drivers cards more widely within your organization or with different teams you coach, please contact us for a Sustainable Teams Facilitator license and Train-the-Trainer with ACTITUDES™. 

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